Our Dedicated Experts

Introducing Our Team of Experts

Get to know our exceptional team of diverse and highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to bridging the gap between companies and the market at Service Guide Agency.

Afan Izzati 

Chief Executive Officer

Afan, a seasoned tender consultant, specializes in executive search, delivering outstanding results.

Arwaa Jebat

General Manager

Arwaa: Innovative tender process manager with a track record of excellence.

Khatijah Megat

Human Resources Consultant

Khatijah: HR consultant passionate about creating engaged cultures, attracting top companies.

Mohamed Muzakir

Workforce Planning Consultant

Mohamed’s strategic insight and operational expertise optimize workforce and drive sustainable growth.

Aidan Fuaad

Area Manager

Aidanl’s strategic insight and operational expertise helps in proper organizational structure and quality impact in the team.

Khajeer Yusuf

Finance Adviser

Khajeer is a top-tier finance adviser who guides companies on their quotation for tendering.

Rabwah Muda

Tender Coordinator

Rabwah: Tender coordinator who ensures no company’s tender is missed.

Ibhar Reehab

Logistic Manager

Ibhar: Expert in logistic and other miscellaneous planning.

Unlocking Opportunities: Bridging the Gap for Your Company’s Needs

At Service Guide, we understand the importance of finding the perfect tenders to fuel your company’s growth and success. Let us help you take the next step towards building a winning team capable of conquering the Malaysian market.

    • Comprehensive Tendering Solutions
    • Tailored to Your Business Needs
    • Access to Top-Tier Government Bids
    • Expertise in Workforce Planning
    • Exceptional Service and Meaningful Relationships